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School Accountability Committee

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SAC's responsibilities revolve only around the school improvement plan (SIP) as outlined in the school's site-based shared decision-making (SBDSM) model and derived from the district's strategic plan. The School Accountability Committee (SAC) is composed of staff and parents as determined by state law. SAC's role is to:

  • Observe mandated state law pertaining to school accountability.
  • Recruit and educate new membership and elect officers.
  • Create by-laws and adhere to them.
  • Assist in the development of the SUIP.
  • Align the SIP with the district's strategic plan.
  • Monitor the progress toward goals identified in the SIP including mid-year and end of year reports.
  • Initiate ongoing exchange of information with staff, District Advisory Committee (DAAC) and community.
  • Evaluate the SIP at the end of the year to determine the success of the plan.
  • Adjust and revise the SIP based on the changing needs of the student population as derived from testing/survey data.
  • Evaluate building budget to reflect the SIP goals.